Marmite, Bites and Noisy Nights (in Zambia) is another day-by-day account of an expedition made by Brian and his wife, Sandra, this time to the South Luangwa and Lower Zambezi national parks – in, unsurprisingly, Zambia.
However, it is also another example of how the travel book genre can be harnessed for the purpose of humour, and of how Brian tends to regard his travels as an opportunity not only to study the wonders of the natural world but also to vent his opinions – whether these are on what he observes around him or on anything else that comes to mind.
This book therefore describes the wildlife that Brian encounters, together with the people and the perils he encounters, but it also catalogues a number of his valuable ‘insights’. There are expositions on the de-evolution of mankind, the likely demise of mankind as a result of the resilience of pathogenic biological agents, the advantages of setting up a new, online religion – and the desirability of the rapid evolution of both universal knee joints and inflatable boobs.
This is the final book in David’s seven-part series that details Brian and Sandra’s travels to Assam, Syria, Borneo, Cape Verde, Namibia/Botswana, Morocco and Zambia. However, it is unlikely to be his last…

Accordingly, Brian, in his role as the protective male of the party, stepped outside their open-fronted accommodation with a view to establishing the identity of the roarer. Not that he really needed to. Because, just as he’d suspected, it was one of the lions, one of the grown-up lionesses. And there was no doubt about this because the lioness was now roaring again – as she walked towards him from the direction of the dining room.